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LPS Shanghai 2013上海国际高端房产盛会

时间:2013-09-26 18:39来源:澳洲房产网 作者:Elaine 点击:


为庆祝第6届盛会如期到来,LPS –The Luxury Properties Showcase将在上海最高档的商业街,南京西路的核心地段锦沧文华大酒店展览全世界最无与伦比的房产。

本届展会将迎来80多家全世界最具影响力和最富名望的高端房地产品牌和公司,比如苏富比不动产、Re/Max和凯勒·威廉姆斯、Alain Pinel,第一太平戴维斯Savills及Harcourts等,现在发售中独一无二的全球房地产项目 将在LPS高端房产盛会为您揭开其神秘的面纱。

第五届LPS大获成功,吸引到5400多名买家和投资者,2013上海国际高端房产盛会有望再次受到中国精英的青睐。 展会组织者Olivier de Treglode称:“在中国,对于高端房地产市场感兴趣的投资者,LPS是不容错过的平台。LPS上海将再次为VIP嘉宾提供信息和灵感,帮助他们找到最终心仪的地产投资项目。”

为了准备连续第三次在LPS上大展拳脚,总部在英国的意大利房地产专家Word & Buyer同时也期待着他们下次亮相:“LPS特别吸引我们的是,这是一场仅限被邀请嘉宾参加的活动。LPS是我们在中国参加的唯一房地产展会,我们正是为了这些目标富豪客户而来。”

本届展会特别聚焦迈阿密(更多信息请享阅“LPS独家专访迈阿密市长 ”)

其他亮点还包括,2013上海国际高端房产盛会将与西班牙商会中国分部开放第一个西班牙展馆 。从伊比沙岛到巴塞罗那、从阳光海岸到马德里、从瓦伦西亚到科斯塔布拉瓦,LPS受邀嘉宾将可以浏览西班牙房地产中的精华,并且领略随之而来的西班牙风格生活方式的非凡魅力。


了解更多关于2013上海国际高端房产盛会的信息,敬请浏览www.lps-china.com或通过 (info@lps-china.com)联系我们。

LPS Shanghai 2013 to showcase

The world’s most extraordinary properties in the heart of

Nanjing Xi Road

Celebrating its 6th consecutive edition, LPS – The Luxury Properties Showcase will showcase the world’s most extraordinary properties in the very heart of Shanghai’s high-end shopping street, at Nanjing Xi Road’s 5-star JC Mandarin.

The exclusive property show will welcome over 80 of the world’s most influential and prestigious luxury real estate brands and companies, such as Sotheby’s International Realty, Re/Max, Keller Williams, Alain Pinel, Savills and Harcourts set to unveil some of the world’s most extraordinary properties currently for sale. 

Surfing on the success of the last edition of LPS that attracted over 5,400 buyers and investors, LPS Shanghai 2013 is expected to once again catch the attention of China’s elites. Olivier de Treglode, the show organizer says: “LPS is now well established as the premium platform for Chinese high profile investors interested in the niche luxury property market. Once again, LPS Shanghai will provide VIPs with information and inspiration on where and how to find ultimate high-end properties.”

Preparing for their third consecutive participation at LPS, UK-based Italian properties specialist Word & Buyer are also looking forward to their next participation: “One thing that attracts us particularly at LPS is that it’s an invite-only occasion. The targets are HNWI and, in fact, this is the only property show that we attend in China and this is for that reason.”

A special focus on Miami will also be given at the Show (for more details, read LPS Exclusive interview with the mayor of Miami ).

Among other highlights, LPS Shanghai 2013 will welcome the first Spanish property pavilion , in cooperation with the Spanish Chamber of Commerce in China. From Ibiza to Barcelona, from Cost del Sol to Madrid or from Valencia to Cost Brava, LPS visitors will be able to browse the very best of Spain’s properties and discover the attractive Spanish lifestyles associated with these unique estates.

More than 25 countries will be joining LPS Shanghai 2013: China, USA, Canada, UK, France, Portugal, Spain, Italy, Austria, Cyprus, Latvia, Thailand, Australia, Indonesia, Malaysia, and many more.

For more information about LPS Shanghai 2013, please visit www.lps-china.com or contact: info@lps-china.com

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